Top WordPress Interview Questions and Answers

WordPress is the most popular free blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. As of January 2018, WordPress is used by more than 29.4% of the top 10 million websites. Currently WordPress is the most popular website management or blogging system in use on the Web that supporting more than 60 million websites. Due to its popularity, there has been large demand of WordPress developers to create blog, websites, integrate themes and develop plugins. So here in this post, we have listed some useful WordPress interview questions and answers for beginners and experienced WordPress developer.

1. Why To Choose WordPress?

Ans. WordPress is the most used Open Source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It is fully free and very easy to install and configure to create self-hosted website or blog.

2. Is WordPress Secure Enough?

Ans. As no computer system is 100% secure, but WordPress still secure and WordPress team constantly working hard to make it more secure. So it is advised to keep your WordPress updated with the latest WordPress release to keep it secure.

3. How To Make WordPress Website More Secure?

As the security is the main concern when running WordPress website because its always on top in hackers list. So it is your responsibility to protect your website from hackers and other security attacks. Here are few tips to follow to keep your WordPress website safe and secure.

  • Always update your WordPress and installed plugin with latest release.

  • Delete the unused themes and plugins

  • Customize your login URL

  • Secure the wp-config.php file

  • Secure wp-admin directory

4. What Steps Needed If Hacked WordPress Website?

Ans. We will need to take following steps if hacked WordPress Website

  • Re-install the latest WordPress version

  • Restore a previous version

  • Change passwords and secret Keys

  • Check user permissions

  • Install security WordPress plugin

  • Find and remove the Malware

5. What are Hooks in WordPress?

Ans. In WordPress, Hooks are the functions called (Actions or Filters). We can use WordPress Hooks to change default WordPress functionality.

6. How To Add External JavaScript and CSS in WordPress?

Ans. We need to add external JavaScript or CSS files in wp_enqueue_script() function in template's functions.php and wp_head() function will include files within head tag.

7.What is difference between home_url() and site_url() in WordPress?

Ans. Both the WordPress functions home_url() and site_url() are retun same WordPress website address if WordPress website has not been given its own directory otherwise it will return different values. For example if WordPress website installed in the root folder but the core WordPress files are moved to sub directory named wp_test. Then the function home_url() will return and site_url() will return

8. What is difference between the wp_title() and get_the_title() in WordPress?

The WordPress function wp_title() returns the unescaped title of the current post and can only be used within the loop. If you want to get the page title outside of the loop then you can use get_the_title(). The function get_the_title() will also display Protected if post is private and user is not an admin.

9. What are the Major caching plugin for WordPress

Ans. There are many useful free WordPress cache plugin available like super cache, easy cache, w3 total cache etc.

10. What are the major SEO plugins for WordPress?

Ans. There are many free WordPress SEO plugin available like Yoast SEO, SEO Ultimate, SEO WordPress etc.

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